I Forgive

Visions of distant memories washed down my face a mist my cheeks. The self adhesive is no longer keeping this mask in place. An unorthodox dialogue begins with me- spewing out words like I blame you. the resentment is clear while I sit face to face with the ex lover and softly speak my perspective…


Heyyyyy purple cravers! It has been a very long time since we conversed and shared! I hope all is well and that this blog finds you at your best. When I left you last, I was discussing distance, love, and the challenges I was engaged in. I have so much to touch upon and I…

Distance: a friend or foe?!

Hey cravers! I hope all is well and that you all are shining your shade of purple out into the universe! As promised I would take you back to the beginning of me, all my quirks, why I like who I like,love the way I love,and both the passionate and guarded heart and spirit that…

Heart’s Apart Grow Fonder!!!

Hello cravers;Queens and Kings! I have certainly missed your company, your wisdom and your love! Let the absence of our blog be evidence that life has a way of wrapping itself around us and taking over and when we do look up, several months have gone by. YES, I have grown fonder of this blog…

Putting it into practice:The Journey

What’s happening Queen’s?! The post before last I said details to follow in the next post and I did not do that because a more pressing matter hit home and I had to speak on it. But, I am focused now and speaking of journey I cannot believe it has almost been a year since…

Contagious Hands Have A Purpose!!!

Heyy my purple cravers! I hope that you are still craving these three shades of purple and are shining your own shade! I have not had time to say thank you to my/our readers and for that I apologize! THANK YOU ALL!!! This year so far is, one going by fast already and two has…


“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” ― Gautama Buddha

Love Like It’s Your Last Day

Tomorrow,today,the next minute is not promised to the “sinner” or the average “saint”,the poor AND the rich,the evil and the GOOD. Ok you get my point! Show love,receive love every chance you get. One Love, Pearl

Purple Nature

We are a species of greatness Who birth the next generations We nurture without hesitation bcecause it’s 2nd nature We must guide their education Provide a craving for that purple sensation I am untitled But does that leave me rhythmless with no lines A blank page, no rhymes I am untitled But does that define the…

Outcast 101 | How to survive in a world of conformity

First, you must be completely able to see yourself for who you are as a living; thus breathing, and necessary being. Then you must be confident enough to exist and live as the person you have come to realize.