
Heyyyyy purple cravers! It has been a very long time since we conversed and shared! I hope all is well and that this blog finds you at your best.

When I left you last, I was discussing distance, love, and the challenges I was engaged in. I have so much to touch upon and I do not know where to start. I wonder if we can have an interactive blog this week!?! Anyone have any issues, concerns, need some suggestions, sound advice? I am a firm believer that I go through experiences so that I can be equipped with the wisdom it takes to help others;shine my purple! So, please lets start an interactive session and I’ll be as transparent as I can be, as honest, and fun!

I cannot wait…

When did you realize that you were ready to love yourself? What guy or gal, what situation was your motivation? I told you for me it was a guy telling me he would come to my daughters bearthday party and he did not. Well, that paired with the lack of presence, still living with his 2nd child’s mother “for the baby” and because they were tied into a lease together and his lack of committment I decided ok Kiera it’s time to choose you, it’s time to love you first! Ok your turn.




1 love

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