I Choose You…From Time!

Hey cravers, Queens! I’m going to jump right into it and say that no matter WHAT people say, how they feel about YOUR situation or perspectives or beliefs on anything, stick to what you believe is right and for you! When you are spiritually grounded, instinctively in sync, and soulfully connected to another everything you…


Heyyyyy purple cravers! It has been a very long time since we conversed and shared! I hope all is well and that this blog finds you at your best. When I left you last, I was discussing distance, love, and the challenges I was engaged in. I have so much to touch upon and I…


Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

Stop means Stop

Hey cravers! Miss you guys and I hope you are still pushing through! I felt I had to come and post this because  I feel it could help someone else going through it. As you guys know, I started a new job and for the most part I love it, it’s pretty easy breezy, if…


“You’re more than a beat face! To truly be successful in life and love a woman must own her Queenship, and possess a spirit which vibrates so high the Universe must bow to her will; her magic, her heka.” Done Watching? Ok! Keep reading Queens: Remove Your Makeup & Wear Your Make Up [w/ Queen…

Keep pushing

In the mist of everything that has been happening in my life, my cravers are still heavy on my mind and heart. I haven’t forgot about you guys! A lot of amazing things have entered my life lately and I can’t wait to share them with you guys! In the mean time, I want to leave…


Hello my beautiful people! I am happy to meet you here again so soon!  This “poem” below was birthed on a night my mental needed some cleansing. Please excuse the language in advance but I set the tone of this message right away to grasp your full attention(which doesn’t cost anything) and open your minds…


So ladies and gentleman, it’s slowly becoming official! A couple months ago I posted about betting on myself and although I’ve been pretty much under the radar with everything since, it’s almost here! The website is almost finished and my logo is done! Today, my first video under my new brand was published…to the WORLD!…