Keep pushing

In the mist of everything that has been happening in my life, my cravers are still heavy on my mind and heart. I haven’t forgot about you guys! A lot of amazing things have entered my life lately and I can’t wait to share them with you guys! In the mean time, I want to leave…


You’re being prepared for something you can’t handle right now.

50% Christian

If your life was anything like mine growing up, you basically lived in the church. You were present for everything all the way down to the church meetings, bruh. lol Just in the back doing homework, downstairs playing with other church kids, or sleeping until someone came and got you. I call it the “church…

Fxck ’em.

When your supporters waver due to their lack of your vision—their lack of your faith—just keep on moving through the noise Queen. They’ll never be ’bout the life you were meant to live anyway. 

Everything’s gonna be Alright 

Hey Cravers! Feels like it’s been forever! So much has happened I don’t even know where to begin! I guess I’ll start with my “personal” or as personal as I can get. Lol I took my own advice and decided to do some spring cleaning. In this time I’ve backed away from anything that I…

Hello Spring

“Give them all of their flowers while they can smell them, and bask in their majestic beauty” — Egypt

#SoulServingSundays | Second Service

You can believe We crawled from the depths of the sea and involved into man overtime, or you could believe like Me that We were created in the images of Divine and conscious Cosmic beings all acting as One Ultimate Creator. Nevertheless, We can all agree that We are all HUMAN, and that We are…

Leid’E English | Purple

I AM Queen . . . but unlike Beyonce, I’m not going to command that you or anyone bow down before me. However, if you would like to stroke my feminine ego by all means “bow down b****es!” Nevertheless, yes, I Am Queen. I address myself as such, and 99.9% of the time [exception left…