Keep pushing

In the mist of everything that has been happening in my life, my cravers are still heavy on my mind and heart. I haven’t forgot about you guys! A lot of amazing things have entered my life lately and I can’t wait to share them with you guys! In the mean time, I want to leave…

50% Christian

If your life was anything like mine growing up, you basically lived in the church. You were present for everything all the way down to the church meetings, bruh. lol Just in the back doing homework, downstairs playing with other church kids, or sleeping until someone came and got you. I call it the “church…

Pearl | Purple

Purple Cravings! When the idea was brought to me I got excited and began to think of how predestined it was for me to be a part of this monumental movement! Purple; it’s my favorite color, it symbolizes royalty as I am a Queen; by nature, by demand and it is even one of my…

Leid’E English | Purple

I AM Queen . . . but unlike Beyonce, I’m not going to command that you or anyone bow down before me. However, if you would like to stroke my feminine ego by all means “bow down b****es!” Nevertheless, yes, I Am Queen. I address myself as such, and 99.9% of the time [exception left…

Monic | Purple

It has taken me 25 years to define myself, and I promise you, it wasn’t easy. Have you ever just been tired of yourself, well that was me. When I think about the person I use to be, I was unhappy, and honestly everything about me was FAKE! I wanted so bad to be something…