~He Won’t If You Don’t~



Love yourself first, last and in between.

             Inner beauty!

You cannot bring substance if you are still cluttered with toxicity;

Cleanse yourself to make way for your intuition

Choose simplicity, positive vibes, fierce energy.

Nevermind the falls you have taken

Rather mind the potent lessons left for you to take in.

Discard the people that have explored your wealthy birth canal and did not pay the toll.

And don’t make love to the pity parties because the ramifications of your actions yield suitable consequences.

No, simply stand anatomically in a mirror

See you, foundationless as the sacred

woman you are destined to be…

             A Queen!

Unobstructed and multidirectional.

Melanin radiating in various degrees.

Educated possessing various Degrees.

It’s important that your worth, you see

No matter who else’s vision is blurry

Self love is more powerful and fierce

Self respect is more fierce and feared.


The energy you’ve dedicated to negativity

You may now convert into positive energy

Become in sync with your intuition

To uncover or discover your shade of purple!


But in the meantime I love you!


One love,




7 Comments Add yours

  1. BlackMail4u says:

    Thank you for following The Black Mail Blog! We hope you enjoy the posts.


  2. E. English says:

    So from beginning to finish this poem deserve 5 stars Pearl. I swear every time I read this poem, I get little goosey-bumps. It evokes so much passion and power inside. This may possibly be a theme of 2016 for me “Discard the people that have explored your wealthy birth canal and did not pay the toll.” Of course the birth canal will be metaphoric for something else lolz, maybe my time, or mind , eh! Nevertherless, inspired! ♥ Egypt

    Liked by 1 person

    1. pearl1111 says:

      I am speechless Egypt, again I am so grateful you received it! Lol yes I know the birth canal will be metaphorical and that was one of my struggles tryna find something universal to use there but the point was made anyway!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Monic says:

    Just Why!?! Real life, I’ve been afraid to comment on this. I mean I just don’t know what to say Pearl! I’ve been reading it over and over and I’m still speechless. This is amazing. You have a way with words that makes you think. I mean think like sheesh, she just going to read my life like that with no shade lol I’m still in the process of discarding things and definitely working on my forgiveness and healing. Bless your life Queen!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. pearl1111 says:

      Wow, I am so humbly blessed and my heart is smiling. I was going through it and ready to postpone posting it to rewrite it and then something in me said read it and let it be you have said enough. Thank you and I do mean thank you for receiving it!

      Liked by 1 person

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